viticultural services
This work focuses on the growing season with frequent regular vineyard visits followed with monthly dormant season visits. Field visits are carried out to check on the vineyard's progress through the season, scout for pests and diseases, assess irrigation requirements, plan the timing of key activities such as wire lifting, desuckering etc… A report is prepared detailing the current status of the vineyard, and if desired management recommendations and contractor/operator liaison can be carried out. The frequency of visits and reports can be weekly, fortnight, monthly or as desired.
Vineyard inspections can be carried out for any number of reasons, these may include pre or post purchase inspections, vine health trouble shooting, post-harvest reviews or just regular reporting for shareholders or owners.
This may include basic soil pit investigations at an additional cost.
Vitibit can work with you to investigate vineyard redevelopment and planting options. This can include vineyard rationalisation, rejuventation of old vineyard, grafting and new vineyard establishment. Our local knowledge and contacts can assist you in the selection of varieties, clones and rootstocks, arranging detailed soil surveys and the co-ordination of the project.
Stand-alone vineyard fungicide programmes can be prepared for a fixed fee, per property or location. These can also be included in an annual consulting agreement.
We can facilitate your plant tissue (petiole) and soil sampling each season and then follow this up with a commentary and recommendations on your vineyards nutritional needs. We can also review historical data and assist with planning nutritional inputs.
Growing season pest and disease scouting can be carried out on a scheduled or casual basis.
Vitibit can act as a conduit between the vineyard and the winery during the pre-vintage and vintage period. This may include collecting grape samples as required, vineyard visits with winemakers, liaising with harvesting contractors, carriers and so on. We can also work with you and your winemaker to review the season and plan for the future.
Vitibit can procure and install gypsum blocks for soil moisture monitoring. Depending on the set-up you can either put in a logging system or you can do the in field readings yourself, alternatively let us do it for you. Using this information we can assist you with your irrigation scheduling. Vitibit can also facilitate the use more sophisticated soil moisture monitoring such as C-Probes and AgWise should you desire to use this technology.
Vitibit can provide you with "as needs" technical support, such as spray queries, pest and diseases problems, contacts and referrals etc... This can be arranged on a fee for service or retainer basis.
Vitibit was a contractor to the former Co-operative Research Centre for Viticulture for the provision of the “Research to Practice : Hands On” Workshops and currently facilitates the Hunter Valley Wine Industry Associations Seasonal “Mini-Workshops”.
In addition to running industry developed training, small group workshops can be arranged for specific topics for on site team training. There is also the opportunity for Vitibit to provide one on one mentoring and viticultural support for new vineyard managers or managers new to the area. This may include assisting with work programmes or increasing their technical skills.
Contractual Arrangements - All services carried out by Vitibit Pty Ltd are done so under contract.